Friday 22 February 2008

Araucana Chicks

Two lavender araucana chicks feeding. Feeders such as these discourage the young birds from scratching dry food, and so avoid waste of pellets or mash. However, it is natural for a chicken to scratch among bedding or soil for morsels of food, and it would be sad to deny them this pleasure. Corn makes an ideal "scratch food", and if fed in the late afternoon then it will encoursge birds to keep their bedding turned and fresh, and give them a reason to willingly return to their coops for you, if free-ranged during the day. Those of you who have tried to ask birds to return early to the safety of their coops (so that you can go out, or retreat to the fire or tv early, perhaps!), will have discovered the value of a regular last feed of corn! Don't overfeed late in the day, or you will be feeding the rats and mice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've just yesterday added two lavender araucanas to our home flock, and they are beautiful birds. Chickens are addictive, though, and I've already got plans to get some Faverolles as well to add to the araucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans and four ex-bats! x